Theodolite project realised in larger quantities
The invitation to tender required that high resolution high speed cameras to be mounted on theodolites, with digital angle emitters for highly precise visual 3D surveying. A major challenge for the complete system was the 3D measurement with spatially widely distanced measurement points, without any fixed orientation possibilities being available in the measurement area.
Highly precise angle values are needed for setting up the measurement area, as well as for the actual measurements themselves. The angle data of the measurements is stored together with the exact time information permanently with the camera image data. This means that all information necessary for measuring is kept together with the image data. This seamless and automatic integration means that allocation errors, or even lost data, is ruled out.
Because of its already well-proven project competence, High Speed Vision took over leadership of the project and supported the customer in all project phases. Starting with the project definition in which (and most importantly) the required accuracy levels were decided, and on to project planning and project implementation and supervision. The planned project duration was strictly observed according to the time limits set. At the final project conclusion meeting the results were presented and handed over, and later evaluated in a retrospective review.

LED Special Solution
The HiB LED head systems are characterized by extremely high light output. Each head generates more than 130,000 lux at a distance of 50 cm. Up to 4 LED heads can be operated via each control unit. An Austrian research institute asked for a system with 20 HiB heads that can be operated via a controller. For the LED heads, there were still more difficult environmental conditions for outdoor use with protection against splash water.
The LED heads have been mechanically modified and sealed against dust and splash water. The fan complies with the IP 65 standard. A special version in a 19 “housing was developed to control the 20 LED heads.